

Thursday, September 16, 2010

la serena part 1

This is the story of the hunt for my surfboard. Chile is country littered with waves . Any wave your heart dessires. long lefts to short, spitting rights. bringing a surfboard from SA would be a lus so i thought i would just buy one here. this turned out to be a bad move.
i spent 4 days and nights hunting through every surfshop in La Sarena. nothing. nothing agreed with my shoe string budget. i decided to go check out some of the beaches anyway.wave hunting. boardless. I heard about a beach 20 kms south. (or north,i cant remember) called tortaralillo.

i was on the bus heading somewhere. after about half an hour i asked the girl next to me where i had to get off if i was going to the beach in totaralillo. she laughed and pointed behind us. i had missed the place. running to the front of the bus everyone knew and had a laugh at me. i showed the driver my ticket. he pulled over on the high way with a blank expression, in the middle of no where , opened the door and pointed behind us. got off the bus. on a high way... I was about 5 kms past the beach. two options came to mind .
1.) walk 5 km back to the place i was supposed to get off
2.) jump a barbed wire fence and bundu bash towards the coast down a cactus infected mountain.

end of part 1

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