

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

after la Serena I went to antofagusta.
after antofagusta I went to San pedro de atacama
after san pedro I went to Iqueque
after iquique I went to Arica
After arica i crossed the boarder into peru

im currently in northern peru

heading for the boarder of equador
lost all my photos up until iquique...
bought a flash drive and copied all my photos from my camara to it...
where is my flash frive. it was in my pocket.
now its gone ... added to the endless list of shit that ive lost in my life.

i once lost my whole car.
a bit of money.

i loose shit...
thats how i role.

ive also found some kiff shit.
the question is am i finding more than im loosing.

alot of things go missing from this world...

im heading into the jungle shortly. every day things are going missing from the jungle.

clean water

the endless list of things lost .

i dont mind loosing shit as long as i get things back
whatever ... some hard cash or even just some wisdom.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

la serena part 1

This is the story of the hunt for my surfboard. Chile is country littered with waves . Any wave your heart dessires. long lefts to short, spitting rights. bringing a surfboard from SA would be a lus so i thought i would just buy one here. this turned out to be a bad move.
i spent 4 days and nights hunting through every surfshop in La Sarena. nothing. nothing agreed with my shoe string budget. i decided to go check out some of the beaches anyway.wave hunting. boardless. I heard about a beach 20 kms south. (or north,i cant remember) called tortaralillo.

i was on the bus heading somewhere. after about half an hour i asked the girl next to me where i had to get off if i was going to the beach in totaralillo. she laughed and pointed behind us. i had missed the place. running to the front of the bus everyone knew and had a laugh at me. i showed the driver my ticket. he pulled over on the high way with a blank expression, in the middle of no where , opened the door and pointed behind us. got off the bus. on a high way... I was about 5 kms past the beach. two options came to mind .
1.) walk 5 km back to the place i was supposed to get off
2.) jump a barbed wire fence and bundu bash towards the coast down a cactus infected mountain.

end of part 1

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Valparaiso... maaad place

valparaiso is a really mad place...mad people....mad houses...mad vibe. it has a quirky charm. its definatly a place that could dicribe my personality. it has a downtown... and a residential area up on a hill... there is no order to houses or streets... every house is different and there is street art and grafitti everywhere... definatly my favourite town so far.

you could spend hours walking around the streets on the hill. its like a massive art exibition... i probly only got to see a tiny fraction of all the art . but it still blew my mind. Valparaiso is one of the street art capitals of the world.. there are no laws prohibiting graffiti and the town is infact a world heritage site...

everyone should see this place...

i spent a few days here... longer than initially planned. but hey. the first couple of days i spent exploring the surrounding beaches of vina del mar and renarca... these are up market beach resort towns... they have no real soul but apparently in summer the beaches are full of people...

the next few days i met up with a guy i met in mendoza..pablo. i stayed in his house thing and we went out to a punk club... good music... the clash and some good ska and such and also some heavy chillian punk... good times.

from valpo i had to catch the bus 3 hours up north to a coastal town called la serena. i overslept slightly and nearly missed it. i arrived here in la serena yesterday morning at 5:30. the hostel was closed so i waited in reception until it opened.

spent yesterday missioning to find waves... i got on a bus and said... playa por favor (beach please) the driver said which one. i said anyone so he dropped me off at this random empty shit beach with fokol waves... i named it fokol... there were some seagulls. i was tired so i fell asleep.. woke up really sandy

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I stayed in Santiago for a few days. The first 3 days I explored the city.By myself and with a aussie man who had been travelling for alone 11 months. He was a bit mad. (lone wolf sikness). but its always interesting to here what people think about life. I didnt really understand half the things he rambled on about.

the hostel was good but i needed a change ,so i spent my last night in a different hostel... there i met up with some more aussies. these guys were cool. during the day i met some locals and we had some beers... then i went back to the hostel and played some risk with the aussies in the hostel bar. i lost. and the night slowly spun out of control. i woke up the next moring and i couldnt find my shoes. they were in the hummuk outside. im glad i found them. unluckly i lost my beenie. but it was a good night.

that morning living was a lus... my brain didnt want to work and i had to make my way to valparaiso,my next stop. luckely the aussies were also heading tthat way , so i just stuck with them. it helped alot. i was in no state to think.

i got on the bus with them and two hours later i woke up in valpo... followed the aussies to their hostel and booked my self a bed. i had made it. thank god for the aussies.haha

wandering around alone in a big city feels like floating on a cloud with flocks of birds speeding by, every face walking past me doesnt mater. Everyone seems to be heading in a certain diretion. On their way somewhere. Only thinking about the future. Disconnected from eveything happening around them. I notice these people are not living in the present.

I dont like big cities. Big cities make all little things in life seem completely me that makes living irrelavent.Big cities are for small minds.

I think travelling alone changes the perspective through which i see things. It makes me more synicle. Being alone in a crowd amplifys the feeling of solidude. It can be one of the best and most refreshing feelings, but sometimes it can be difficult and often leaves an empty feeling inside. I often feel like i’m on a level above the croud when i’m alone. As if no one can touch me.Its a really good feeling. But sometimes i feel completely lost. As if an experience has far more meaning when shared with someone . like the same as happyness only being true when shared. I suppose its all about the perspective at which you look at it.

I defnatly notice when i meet people who have been travelling alone for long periods of time they go abit crazy... but thats only after about 1 year of traveling

Thursday, August 19, 2010

bus to santiago... through the andes

From Mendoza my travels would send me westwards ,towards the coast. The pacific ocean. This would involve an 8 hour bus trip through the Andes mountain range. Mendoza treated me well ,but it was time to leave. The bus ride was more like a scenic tour. a road surrounded by huge snow topped peaks.
Once we made it to the Chile-Argentine border everyone had to get off the bus and sign some papers and show some passport. The officials wanted to know why i wasnt black and if i had a vuvuzela.
I told them of coarse ive got a vuvuzela and i am black, mandela is my grandfather. not to sure if they believed me.
after that everyone had to go into a room and put there hand luggage on this table. Next minute a sniffer dog came running in and went straight for this guys bag. the police then took him into this other room. I didnt see him after that.

I finally made it into Chile. Arrived at the main bus stop and my hunt for accomodation was on. My couch Surfing contacts were unavailible. So a cheap hostel was plan B. Walked around ...Asked around and eventually found something... Its like a rush getting off the bus alone...not knowing where I will be staying. But it always works out really well.